Strategy Game (Name TBD)
My method of development is by iterating. The first step is to get a "playable" game created, then start adding to it.
Stage 1 Minimum Viable Product
The minimum viable product will be focused on getting a "playable" game created. It will consist of two players and units that can "fight".
Stage 2 Multiplayer support
The goal for stage 2 is to allow for more than 2 players to be online at once and playing. This includes more than 2 players in a single game and more than a single game occurring at once.
Stage 3 Map Refinement and Map Editor
Stage 3 is all about refining the map. Adding user controls such as zoom and pan for viewing a map. Adding a variety of land types(water, forest, road, etc) to the map. Building a tool that enables creation of maps.
Stage 4 Complex Units
Complex Units. The focus here is expansion of the available units. In stage 1 it was a single unit with melee attack, this stage will add a variety of types such as ranged units and healing units. It also expands the stats of units to include vision distance and varying movement speed by unit type.
Stage 5 Factions and Units
This is where things start to get interesting. Artistic style and theme was undecided until now. What theme is the game? Maybe Fantasy, maybe Space, maybe something else. In this stage, it will be decided. Two distinct factions will be created with differing units. I will source artwork for the units according to the theme. Users will be able to select their faction at the start of a game.
Stage 6 Cities and Finance
Adding a unit creation location (City, Base, Starport, Castle, something). Adding money to the game. Generated by the cities. Adding the ability to create units.
Stage 7 TBD
Six stages is enough to start with. I will add stage 7 as more scope is determined.